How to Master the Art of Selling Tom Hopkins Pdf


It was my very good fortune that my first exposure to the financial services industry was a positive one. Don Zeledon was an insurance agent who contacted me when I was in my early twenties. Being young, I thought I didn't need insurance. Don was patient and listened to all of my excuses, diversions and stalls. Then, he educated me with examples of unfortunate situations in which other young families like mine had found themselves. He appealed to my intellect, but especially to my emotions and my sense of duty in caring for my family. He persuaded me that having a life insurance policy was less painful than what could happen to my family if I didn't have one.

As my real estate sales career took off, so did my need for the services of financial industry professionals who could help me protect the investment properties I owned, advise me on putting my increased earnings to good use, help me avoid financial pitfalls and so on. Again, I was truly blessed by the professionals who came into my life, educated me and helped me make wise decisions. So, I applaud you for choosing to serve the needs of others as a financial services professional.

Let me tell you a little bit more about my history so you'll understand what this book offers you. I once did physically demanding labor lugging steel around construction sites. Seeking something better, I discovered the exciting and liberating the world of selling. Selling is by far more mentally demanding than many other careers, but with greater potential for satisfaction and reward.

The key word is potential. There are no guarantees. You're only as secure as your last sales call and your own ability to educate people.

I had no guarantee when I entered the field of residential real estate sales that I would succeed, but I knew it would afford me a better Opportunity to generate a good income for my family than construction. What I didn't understand was that even though I wasn't afraid to meet and talk with people that skill alone wasn't enough.

After a pretty awful first six months in the business, it finally dawned on me that I should start asking questions of the other agents who were doing well. What were they doing that I wasn't doing? I quickly learned that succeeding in sales requires a very specific set of skills. But I also discovered that they were skills that could be learned. That's when I became a voracious student of the nuances of selling. I made the subject of selling my passionate hobby.

By investing in self-development and in proven-effective sales training, I entered a phase of my life where much of what had previ­ously been turning into muck and mud, started turning into silver and gold. By working hard to professionally serve the needs of as many clients as possible, I achieved levels of success beyond my wildest dreams.

As I travel around the world today conducting sales training seminars, one of the most frequently asked questions is how I achieved such a high level of success in my real estate career. For example, my last year in real estate, before becoming a sales trainer, I set a record of having 365 closed transactions in a single year. That feat was possible because of the excellent team of profes­sionals who helped me—one in the title insurance field, another in the financial arena, and the third in escrow services. My clients and I relied on these folks to see that all the details regarding their dreams of home ownership were handled properly. Seeing the joy and peace of mind these people experienced because of our combined services was truly a highlight of my life.

Then, I hit my next roadblock. As good as my skills had become when working with clients one-on-one, I had a gargantuan fear of public speaking. As much as I loved winning awards for my sales volume, I hated being asked to give speeches when the awards were presented.

Fortunately, I had a mentor who was the best sales trainer around. I had attended so many sales seminars with J. Douglas Edwards, always sitting in the front row, trying to write down the words as he spoke them, that he and I struck up a great friendship that lasted the rest of his life.

When I told Doug I had turned down a request to give a speech about how I achieved success he said, Tom, you must do what you fear most if you want to overcome the fear. I took those words to heart and went from being a student of selling to becoming a student of public speaking. With determination and hours of practice, drill and rehearsal, the fear was overcome and a desire to help others master selling skills was born.

It's my goal now to show you how to experience the incredible satisfaction of helping others through your financial services career. I want you to see the light of understanding dawn on the faces of your clients when they realize the value of the service you provide. Then, you will earn the income level of a champion financial services professional and all the benefits it will bring to you and your loved ones.

If you got into this field because of the income potential, you're smart. It's there, but the highest incomes will only be earned by those who exceed their clients' expectations when it comes to providing service. You see, the word service comes before the word success in every aspect of life…even in the dictionary!

Mastering the art of selling involves mastering the craft of providing your clients the education, products, services, and personal contact before, during and after the sale that they want, need and, more important, deserve. That's how you succeed. That's how you'll not only survive and grow in this business, but will thrive, prosper, and achieve greatness through it. And like a good ride on a first-rate roller coaster, you'll enjoy it.

Believe me. I've ridden that roller coaster and hung on through major ups and downs that negatively impacted my selling career, others that pounded our sales training business, and still others that affected the global economy. The solid selling skills covered in this book are the foundation of my success and they can be yours as well.

My company and I have been teaching proven-effective selling practices to professionals in the financial services industry since the release of my first book, How to Master the Art of Selling, in 1980. We've had the privilege of helping to make a difference in the future of the world as families and individuals enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing they've made wise choices to protect their families, build wealth and plan for long-term retirement.

You may be wondering if the content of this book talks about your specific products. I know the industry is broad and includes every­thing from basic life insurance to intricate retirement and estate planning strategies. But, regardless of the product there is one common denominator----people. Yes, you sell financial products, but to whom? People. You are first and foremost in the people business. The skills for working effectively in the people business are covered here in detail and in a way that lets you start putting those skills to work immediately. Get your product knowledge from your company. Get your selling products to people skills here.

This book was written to customize the most requested topics from our general sales training to the financial services industry. I encourage you to make it a working tool, one that you continually refer to for information, guidance, help and inspiration.

Fold the page edges so you can easily find important passages.

Use a highlighter or underline material that strikes a chord within you.

Take notes in the margins, or use flags and Sticky Notes.

Read it, re-read it several times and really use How to Master the Art of Selling Financial Services to build, enhance and sustain your career in this exciting field.

Take what you learn here to achieve the goals that are most dear to your heart by providing superior service to your clients through professional selling.

The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.

~ Winston Churchill


Mentally Preparing for Sales Success

Congratulations! You have chosen a career in one of the best fields of all times. I mean that. Money really does make the world go around. Those who are wisest with their money have opportunities to enjoy more of what our world offers, including more fun, more security, and more wonderful opportunities. And you have chosen to become well-educated on financial products to earn a very nice income for yourself while serving the needs of others. By picking up this book, you have come to the right place to begin. I've always been known as a foundational teacher so we're starting at the ground floor.

Speaking of ground floors, we'll use a building analogy throughout this book. None of today's great architects would begin a structure without a complete set of blueprints. Follow their example. Do not attempt to build your business without developing your own personal set of plans to arrive at the final completed structure of your dreams.

Take Advantage of the Advantages

Before we get into creating your career blueprint, let's consider some of the greatest advantages of this exciting, challenging and most rewarding field. Why is this industry the best place for you?

Advantage #1 – Nearly everyone is a potential client. Unless you plan to specialize, such as working only with the affluent who have $10 million or more in net worth or some other niche, your pool of potential clients expands to nearly every adult on the planet. Think about it. Who doesn't need knowledge and sound advice on keeping and growing their money? It doesn't matter if their discretionary funds are only $50 or as much as $50,000 a month, everyone has a need for what you offer. Millions of people are seeking to earn, save, invest, and increase their fortunes. They need life insurance, debt consolidation services, long term care, annuities, 401K plans, full blown investment programs and other financial services. Most will have a continuing need for those services and so will their families as the children grow and are told, Just call Bob/Sally. He/She has taken good care of us for a long time. You'll do well with them, too. Your legacy will grow with continual referrals from satisfied clients.

Advantage #2 – You, and only you, determine your income level. You get to choose how hard you work, how long you work and how many clients you want to work with. You also choose how well you'll develop your skills.

Some of the best advice I ever got about selling as a career is this: Selling is the highest paid hard work and the lowest paid easy work there is. That's it in a nutshell. If you're willing to work hard, the reward is huge. My job in this book is to help you learn how to increase your income and your sense of accomplishment by working smarter as well.

Sure, you can double your income by working twice the hours and with twice as many clients. The real fun begins when you develop your skills to a point where you're working half the time and still making the same income. Or, if you choose, you're working the same amount of time for double the income! No one limits your income potential in this field but you.

NOTE: It doesn't matter how well or not-so-well you've done so far in your financial services career. You are to be commended for investing in your financial future by owning this book, by investing your time to read it, and by applying its tactics and strategies to create a better life by better serving your clients. You are already demonstrating your desire to go beyond average to achieve champion status.

Advantage #3 – You'll experience real joy and satis­faction in helping others throughout your career. Who doesn't want that as a reward for their daily toil? If you're in this business for the right reasons—to serve the needs of others—it'll warm your heart every day that you help a family or an individual take one more step toward doing the right thing with their money because you educate them. You help them make wise decisions to protect their families and their assets, to start investing for growth and planning for the future. You're making a powerful, positive difference in people's lives. What a bonus!

I'm constantly amazed at the shockingly high percentage of our population that hasn't the foggiest idea of capital, how it works, and how it can be used to better one's life. This is where you come in. You are an integral component of our free enterprise system. Your knowledge, wisdom and experience with financial matters puts you in a position to help fuel the dreams and ambitions of individuals, families, companies and organizations—it's how you make things happen.

Advantage #4 – You are in charge of your time. Of course, most financial planners work specific hours but you have the freedom to choose those hours and the flexibility to include important non-work activities in your schedule. There are few things worse than achieving business or financial success while losing touch with the loved ones who make the rewards worthwhile.

Most folks in the financial services industry are entrepreneurs, or independent contractors who work on their own, but not alone. They align themselves with large companies or groups whose products they offer. Those companies have your back. They provide education, service and support for what you do, but they don't dictate your hours. You inhabit the very best of both worlds.

Advantage #5 – You can live and work practically anywhere on the planet. It's wise to build your business and your reputation in the community in which you live. However, if you choose to specialize in another market, or even another part of

How to Master the Art of Selling Tom Hopkins Pdf


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